Supplemental Financial Protections — New in 2024!

A diagnosis of a critical illness or recovery from an accident can be intimidating. This is why Spitzer offers voluntary benefits through Cigna that help protect your finances in the event of an emergency. These plans — Accident Insurance, Critical Illness, and Hospital Indemnity — are designed to give you an extra layer of protection in the event you or a covered family member has a serious medical condition or accident. And you can even get paid for getting a wellness checkup with the Cigna Wellness Benefit.

Each plan pays you a lump sum benefit if you have a covered illness or expense. How you use the money is completely up to you! You can use the money to help cover any expense you need help with:

  • Lost wages
  • Out-of-pocket medical expenses (like deductibles and copays)
  • Groceries
  • Childcare
  • Travel (including cabs and rideshare)
  • In-home assistance

Since this is the first time Spitzer is offering these benefits, you do not have to answer any health questions in order to enroll. You are guaranteed coverage if you enroll during Benefits Open Enrollment in 2024. Your accident, illness, or hospital stay must occur after the effective date of your coverage.

Hospital Indemnity Insurance

How does it work?

Hospital Indemnity insurance can help with out-of-pocket expenses you may have if you are hospitalized due to pregnancy, an illness (including mental health illness or alcohol addiction) and/or injury suffered in an accident.

The plan provides payments in addition to any other insurance payments you may receive. Lump sum benefits are paid directly to you based on the amount of coverage listed, regardless of the actual cost of treatment.

What am I covered for?

Benefit Type Benefit Payable
Hospital Admission $1,500 for the first day of confinement
Hospital Daily Benefits (starting day one)
Non-ICU: $250 per day, starting day 1, up to 30 days
ICU: $500 per day, starting day 1, up to 30 days
Newborn Benefits $500 per infant for the first day of confinement
$250 per additional day, per infant, up to 30 days
Hospital Admission
Benefit Payable $1,500 for the first day of confinement
Hospital Daily Benefits (starting day one)
Benefit Payable
Non-ICU: $250 per day, starting day 1, up to 30 days
ICU: $500 per day, starting day 1, up to 30 days
Newborn Benefits
Benefit Payable $500 per infant for the first day of confinement
$250 per additional day, per infant, up to 30 days

How much will coverage cost me?

When you choose coverage for yourself you can also choose to cover your spouse and/or your child(ren) up to age 26.

Coverage Level Monthly Cost
Employee Only $20.46
Employee + Spouse $71.59
Employee + Child(ren) $37.64
Employee + Family $88.77
Employee Only
Monthly Cost $20.46
Employee + Spouse
Monthly Cost $71.59
Employee + Child(ren)
Monthly Cost $37.64
Employee + Family
Monthly Cost $88.77

Accident Insurance

How does it work?

If you or your covered spouse or child has an accident or injury that is not work-related, this insurance pays you a fixed benefit to help pay for any out-of-pocket expenses related to covered accidents, and your benefit is increased by 25% if the accident is the result of an organized sports activity.

What am I covered for?

Benefits may be payable for everyday accidents such as:

  • Broken bones, knee, and hip injuries
  • Burns
  • Torn ligaments
  • Concussion
  • Eye Injuries
  • Cuts requiring stitches

The amount you receive depends on the type of care you require. You receive a lump sum for each covered service you receive. Covered services include:

  • Ambulance/Air ambulance transportation
  • Emergency Room care
  • X-rays and other types of imaging
  • Doctor’s visits and follow-up care
  • Medical equipment such as braces, walkers, scooters, and wheelchairs

How much will coverage cost me?

Coverage Level Monthly Cost
Employee Only $11.89
Employee + Spouse $21.82
Employee + Child(ren) $29.14
Employee + Family $39.08
Employee Only
Monthly Cost $11.89
Employee + Spouse
Monthly Cost $21.82
Employee + Child(ren)
Monthly Cost $29.14
Employee + Family
Monthly Cost $39.08

Critical Illness Insurance

How does it work?

Critical Illness insurance pays you a fixed, lump sum to help ease your mind so you can focus on getting better.

When you choose coverage for yourself you can also choose to cover your spouse and/or your child(ren) up to age 26.

  • Choose coverage amount for you: $10,000, $20,000 or $30,000
  • Coverage for your spouse: 100% of your coverage
  • Coverage for your child(ren): 50% of your coverage

What am I covered for?

Some covered conditions include:

  • Invasive cancer
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Major organ transplant
  • End-stage renal (kidney) disease
  • Benign brain tumor
  • Permanent Paralysis
  • Loss of sight, hearing or speech
  • Childhood diseases such as cerebral palsy and sickle cell
  • Many other serious medical conditions

Other illnesses are also covered, but benefits payable may be different from the face amount of the coverage you choose. Some conditions, which naturally may re-occur, are covered if they reoccur.

How much will coverage cost me?

Download the Critical Illness insurance cost of coverage chart in the Downloads section at the bottom of this page.

Preventive Care Pays: The Cigna Wellness Benefit

Preventive care is important to your overall health. Many potential health problems can be identified and resolved earlier and easier when you get regular preventive care. If you receive a covered health screening test, such as a routine physical, mammogram, colonoscopy, or PSA, you can receive a Wellness Benefit from Cigna:

  • a $50 benefit per covered person, per year, if you have Critical Illness Insurance
  • a $50 benefit per covered person, per year, if you have Accident Insurance.